Apps and API Key

April 13, 2024

To upload files, you need to create an app in your account. Ideally, you should create separate apps for each of your projects to keep your files segregated by projects.

You can create as many apps as you want.

To start uploading files to your app (via your project), you need to obtain a secret API key.

IMPORTANT: This API key should be stored on your server and should never be passed down to the client, as this will give the client total access to your app.

Obtaining the API Keys

To create an app and get an API key, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for an account on

  2. Create a new app (as shown below).

  3. Click on the newly created app's card to go its dashboard, then click on the Settings tab.

  4. Copy the API key. That's it.